Friday, July 20, 2007


Good afternoon to all you bloggers out there.
How are you doing this Friday afternoon?
I have finished my day at the bank and went grocery shopping and now am home with Larry sitting at my side telling me how to blog. Get thee behind me - Larry.
I do love my baby. He is a blessing to me in so many ways.
Pray for him please.
He will have to go for dialysis again tomorrow and that will make 4 times this week. He has a lot of fluid build up and they can only take so much off before he starts hurting so bad they have to take him off the machine.
Work was great today. I cannot always say that but today it really was.
Our supervisor has been on vacation this week and we have been short handed. She does not know it yet but she will be moving to Shelby's branch. She has not heard the news yet so we much keep it quiet until she reads her email. She applied for the position and got it.
Now that will put us even shorter for help. Pray for us please.
I read my grandson's blog and it was wonderful. He just got back from camp and God really worked in the hearts of our young people and so many more. 3 of our teens who really thought they were saved realized that if they had died they would have gone to hell. These are kids who were brought up in church and served with family all these years.
It is so important to let them know at an early age just because you go to church with mom and dad every Sunday, Wed. and any other time there is special meetings it does not make you saved.
I thank God for your camps like we have today for our youth to attend.
For several months now God has really been working in the hearts of our teens and it is carring over into the hearts of the adults. God is so good.
Well I must close for now and I think we are having cereal for dinner tonight. Larry wanted to take me out but I am just to tired after 42 hours outside the home this week.
Love all of you and pray that you enjoyed your tea while we were together this evening.
Love to all,


Kristi said...

Get thee behind me - Larry.

Hehehe, that was funny!

Justin's story of camp was certainly one to rejoice over. I'm so proud of our youth and the life changes that have been taking place.


Theresa's Notes said...


I love how you start all your post like that it's so "Aristocratic" lol