What a blessing it was to have my sweet family over last Monday night for John's birthday.
We all had a wonderful time. Times like these are a blessing and I will always have this memory in my heart.
We all had a wonderful time. Times like these are a blessing and I will always have this memory in my heart.
John has always been my little lover boy. What I mean there, is when his mother was tired or just low in spirit he always seemed to know and would come and give me a hug and tell me he loved me. This is part of my son that still exhist today. He still gives those huge long hard hugs and kisses and tells me that he loves me. A mother always needs that no matter how old their children get.
We had a great dinner and lots of laughs.
I have to take pictures in different spots as my family has grown over the years. We need a larger kitchen.
I got to go to church Sunday and what a blessing it was to be back in the House of the Lord. I truly have missed hearing my pastor speak, all the wonderful music and seeing my family in the Lord. Truly God has blessed me with such a wonderful church family.
Larry and I have been through so much the past 4 years and yet we just cannot give God enough praise for all He has done for us.
I am still not out of the woods yet. I still covet your prayers. My worst time is about 1:30 or 2 in the morning when I wake up coughing so bad. It really hurts my chest.
Well folks, the love of my life will be 62 tomorrow and I am having my family over again for sloppy joes and banana pudding for dinner. That is my husbands favorite. The pudding I mean.
The children will be here with all the grand kids and I am very excited about it. I am getting ready to go to the kitchen and make the pudding and do the sloppy joes tonight since I will be working tomorrow.
I"m glad you're feeling better too, mom.
If I might point out and change just one word in your post...when you said "I truly have missed hearing my Pastor speak..." I don't believe I've ever heard him speak except at the back door as he shakes our hands when we leave. I think what you meant to say was, "I truly have missed hearing my Pastor PREACH!" :)
Love ya,
I am still praying for you and hope the cough will soon be gone. I know your husband had a very happy birthday, being with his family and banana pudding to boot who could ask for more.lol Hope you feel much better soon. connie from Texas
Just stopped by to say I hope your husband is doing well in the hospital and that he gets home soon feeling much much better. I sure hope you have recovered completely. I have been praying for you both. connie from Texas
Hi, Aunt Jan. Just wanted you to know that I love you and am praying for you and Uncle Larry. I hope he comes home from the hospital real soon. I can't believe how much John looks like him. Well, that's kind of an oxy-moron statement, considering he should look like him, but he's changed a lot since I saw him last. LOL
Love to you all,
JANICE, we have been praying for you and PAW Paw. We were so glad to hear he is home. I have missed you and hope things get better much quicker now. God bless you. connie from Texas
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