Hello my sweet friends,
This is going to be short but sweet.
I have had a good week and the Lord has been so good.
For the first time in months, Larry is trying to sleep in the guest room.
He is so thoughtful. He has to be up at 4:45 AM and he does not want me to have to get up at that time since my hours at the bank are from 8 to 6.
He too has had a good report this week even though he was sneaking out of the house and driving. :} :} Really it was good for him.
He will go into the hospital next Tuesday as an out patient and they will do an xray with the dye to see if he is healing where the Dr. cut the bile duct instead of the duct to the gall bladder. If so she is going to remove the tubes and the bags the next day. If not!!!!! We are not sure.
He has lost almost all the weight he needs to loose to be able to have the kidney transplant. So please pray about this.
His sister Janice is donating one of her kidneys. She is the only sibling that Larry has. He loves her dearly and really does not want her to have to go through this but he is willing to take the kidney and she is willing to do whatever it takes to help her brother get back in good health.
When I went back to work there were many changes at the bank.
We lost our Manager, supervisor, loan person and one teller which has left us very short handed. God was in total control and I for one praise Him for so many answered prayers.
We are having breakfast at the bank in the morning and I am taking a queach. Not sure if the spelling is correct. Anyway, it is going to have toco meat, green peppers and ongions, tomatoes & eggs with Sharp Chedder cheese on top. I am taking hot sauce and sour cream to go with it. One of the girls is bringing fruit and dip, some one is bringing muffins and
we are also having orange juice and coffee. Now does that not sound like a way to start out the day. Of course I will have the best part here at home and that is my time with the Lord.
Well it is now 11:45 and I want to watch some Jag on TV. Yes I just love watching Harm and Mack. It is really one of my favorites.
Please pray for one of our young men who is off to college this year. He is really sick and needs our prayers. Actually there are about 50 or so who are sick with the same thing. So pray for the entire school. This is his first time away from home and he is in California.
We had some friends who came over tonight and brought Root Beer and Vanilla Ice Cream. They made some wonderful Root Beer floats. We sure enjoyed them. Thank you Brother Mike and our precious adopted grandson Gary. We have a lot of adopted granchildren in our church.
I love you guys and thank you for praying for us. Please continue to do so as we need all the prayers we can get from God's dear people.
We have a new convert in our church and her name is Willie. She is such a sweet child of God. She sang Wednesday night and the Holy Ghost was all over the place. She sang one of my favorites , Sheltered In the Arms Of God. Oh my how I needed those words. And then the man of God put the icing on the cake when he preached to us about the winds of God. Folks you have no idea what that message meant to me.
I have had the winds of God blowing at me for so long that some times I just want to give up but then I start thinking of what my Christ did for me on the cross and I bow my heard in shame. We have so much to be thankful for and yet we whine about so much.
Pastor was saying that sometimes those winds need to blow just to keep us out of trouble and close to God. How true that is becasue when we are facing troubles and tirals we stay on our knees and then we get closer to the Lord. Is that not true in your life??? It is in mine. When I am in the valley that is where I truly grow in the Lord.
So remember when the wind of God starts blowing your way just praise Him anyway and all will be Well. This is one child who knows.
Love you,
We are going to have to sit down and discuss what short and sweet means. LOL No Kristi, it doesn't mean you. LOL
You are looking as beautiful as ever.I missed your post but I understand that we all have our prioritys. I will keep praying for both you and brother Larry.God Bless you. Lisa
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