Well I would like to take this time to introduce you to my wonderful friend.
This is Dolly Birt. She is 2 years and 3 months in human life.
She is my little baby and I love her dearly.
She is a friend that tends to stick closer than a brother. "Especially if she is wanting what Larry and I are having for dinner". :} :}
She is so faithful to her mommy but when I am gone she is very close to her master Daddy Birt. You can tell by the look on her face she is a very loving animal. She is LAZY as any dog could possibly be.
Today was a wonderful day. We went to church and was fed by God's word.
Our pastor preached with the title of We Need To Be Touched Again.
Four points to his sermon and it was an eye opener.
1. We need a touch of God when our fears keep us from doing God's will.
2. We need a touch when our failures confront us.
3. We need a touch when our families concern us.
4. We need a touch of God when fightings conflict us.
Now Pastor made a lot of comments and I wish I could remember them all but the one thing I know is that God spoke to my heart this morning and again tonight.
There are so many things I want to do for the Lord and due to my back I am hindered from doing what I would like to do.
God has reminded me week after week that if I had only listened to him 38 years ago I would not have the problems that I am having today.
I gave my testimony tonight to the young that when God speaks to your heart please listen. I am walking today with a cane because I would not listen to God when he was dealing with my heart about my salvation. The sins of years ago are carried with me today. Now friends I know that I have been forgiven from all those sins but the life I lived by not OBEYING HIM has hindered my work for the Lord today.
I hope you can understand where I am coming from. You must obey God in ALL things and not just some things. You will pay for it in the end as I am doing so today.
God is using me and I love my Sunday School class that I teach. Lately I have had to be out as I cannot get up the steps for a few weeks. I miss them dearly.
I also love my church family and I will always try to smile and love them as much a possible through prayer and hugs.
When it comes to doing extra things like helping to decorate for special things at our chruch or helping to clean up after a special program that I regret not being able to do. It all goes back to not obeying the Lord and him having to put me on my back to where I had to look up before I would listen. Don't make the same misstake that I made.
After the service this morning we went over to Bruce and Kristi's to help celebrate Hanna's 13th. birthday.
We had the most wonderful dinner and fellowship with all of them.
Marie was there and it was wonderful seeing her again. This is Bruce's mother. She is a very sweet lady and I love her.
Thank you Kristi, Bruce and Hannah for having us today. It was very special for your Paw Paw and me.
Well I guess I will close for now.
My wonderful Husband got me a GREAT Camera for Mother's Day and I got some great shots yesterday and again today.
As soon as I get them down loaded I will share with all of you.
May you have a wonderful week with our Lord and your families.
Love you,
Mama Birt
mrs. birt, thanks so much for your testimony last night. it blessed me so much, and reminded me of things i could have done years ago for the LORD, but did not.... mainly because i just simply did not want to, or worried what people might think about me, but NOT anymore...praise the LORD he gives many chances. thanks so much for always being a great, caring, person.my hubby and i love you dearly.. have a blessed week.. dana
Hi mom, I hate I missed your testimony, but I saw you on the monitor in the nursery. I just couldn't hear you over "Fish pweeze?" :)
Cute pic of Dolly, by the way.
Love you,
Dear Janice
I would have liked to been in the service to hear your testimony.I thank God for your friends like you.I love you sweet doggie:)
(((Hugs))) Lisa
PS Katie and Holly miss your warm hugs.
Janice, Your fiend is so pretty. I wish we were able to have a dog like that. I am afraid that I would trip over him and hurt him and me.
I know what you are talking about with your back. I had back surgery when I was in my forties. I think if I had a little less pride and would have been able to ask for help when I had needed it when I was younger, then I might still have a good back today. Once you have hurt it bad, it is never the same back again. So, I too, am limited in what I can do at church but I do what I can and always try to have a smile and an unlifting words to those that I come in contact with. I will have to be satisfied with that until I get to heaven and then praise God, "I'll have a NEW body." Have a great week. Take care, connie from Texas
Thank You Mrs. Janice for your prayers and words of encouragement. I wish that I could fix this whole mess myself, but this is truly in God's hands now. If He fixes things, then He gets the glory. Continue to pray...my children and I love you and Bro. Larry dearly!
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