This is the first post I have had time to do in a very long time.
I don't guess I would be doing this one at this time if it were not for me
having to be in the bed for a couple of days.
Since about 4 to 6 months I have had problems with my hip. Or at least I thought that was my hip.
Anyway I go off to see my Dr. who took the x-rays and told it was not my hip but coming from my back.
They took x-rays and found that I have a bulging herniated disc.
My sweet Kristi took me for my first shot in the spine and today has taken me for my second one. I can only have one more and then if that last one does not work I will be sent to Charlotte to see another specialist to discuss back surgery and that is something I do not want.
Now this may be in God's will and if it is then I will be glad to have it done. I do need your prayers.
Larry is doing so much better since his second surgery. He is still having a few problems but nothing that he cannot handle as of yet.
Last Sunday night he did get sick and had to have some help from a couple of men in our church to get to the car. He is doing OK from that and has started eating a little but not much. He is up at the mission with Justin, our grandson, who is cutting all the grass. This is his job for the spring, summer and fall months.
He is saving all of his money for his youth outings and for his trip to Puerto Rico this summer when the youth take their mission's trip.
Hannah is also going and she is doing odd jobs around the church and any baby sitting jobs that someone may need at the church.
A couple in our church gave her a check made out to her for 100.00 Wednesday night after church and she was so happy. She too needs 400. for her ticket and God has blessed her too.
So many of our teens have been blessed with this. I know that God will continue to bless all of our teens and sponsors. Pray for them please that God will speak to their hearts.
Well I have got to stop at this time and lay down. I am in bed at this time doing this on my lap top and it is now getting to me.
Please continue to pray that God's will be done in this area of my life.
Love to all,
Mommy, I hope these shots work this time. I love you!
Hi Mrs. Janice,
We just loved it when we came on here and saw where you had updated! We like keeping in touch with you all! Hope those shot help your back.
see you soon!
love Ya!!
Mrs Janice
I do hope the shots help your back and I am glad Bro Larry is doing better. I lov eyou new blog look. Love & Prayers. Lisa
I was so happy to see that you have written on your blog. I am sorry that you are having so much trouble with you back. I pray that God will take care of it so that you will be able to do what you desire. I had back surgery when I was in my forties. It took the pain away. I still can only lift ten pounds or My back doesn't like it. It was hard when I have a new grandbaby because I can't lift them after they get about six months old. But they learn to sit beside me and we have made it. Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow. Jim and I keep you and your husband in our prayers. love you. connie from Texas
Hey Mrs. Janice,
I'm glad to see you back blogging again and I do hope that the shots will help your back.
See ya Sunday!
Hello again, :) I'll be praying for your back and I hope that in spite of it you have a wonderful and blessed Mother's Day.
I just stopped by from Kristi's to say hello and that I hope your back feels better! Blessings-heather
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