Saturday, July 5, 2008

I Tree'd One

You may be wondering, what in the world is she doing coon hunting?
Well, to be honest, it was not for coon hunting. I got this trophy because someone came into the bank and tried to cash a 3,500.00 check and it just did not look right. I called the number on the check to make sure it was OK for me cash and the lady said no please call the police. I stalled her by telling her that I had to buy the cash from the vault and proceeded to call the police and they came and arrested her. Now this happened 2 years ago this past June. We did not go to trial until a few weeks ago and she was found guilty by jury and sentenced to 10 months without paroll due to previous arrest for almost the same thing.
That is the story behind the dog and tree.
How is everyone out in blogger land?
Hope all is well and doing great.
Yesterday was the 4th. and since Kristi and her family went out of town and we guess John was busy doing something for we called a number of times and got no answer we decided we would just stay home and rest.
I got up a couple of times but slept until 2 P.M.
Is that not just great?
When I did get up I took a shower and washed my hair and fixed me some coffee and woke Larry up.
We got ourselves cleaned up and went for a ride to Grover and got an ice cream from D/Q and then went to the Kings Mountain Battle Ground just for a drive and it was beautiful. We were gone for about 2 1/2 hours.
We took Dolly with us and she was so sweet. She loves to go bye bye in the car or truck.
On our way back we stopped and got a Funnel Cake and it was so good.
When we got back home it was pouring the rain and we just sat on the front porch in our rockers and relaxed. It was a great day to be here in the wonderful USA watching our flag in the front yard and knowing that we have soldiers who are fighting to keep us safe while here.
Well I am going to go for now and sit on my porch for a while.
Ilove all of you and pray that you had a wonderful day yesterday thanking God for our wonderful country.
love you all,
Maw Maw Birt


A Hoppy Teacher said...

Glad you had a relaxing day with your hubby. We had a great 4th too. I would have been so nervous during the bank episode, you did well.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your reward. That was a great thing you did.
Sounds like you had a relaxing 4th.
Take care.((((Hugs)))) Lisa