Good morning,
Yes it is early but I need to go to work today and then VBS tonight from 7-9 so I thought I would visit for a little while before I get started.
We had a visiting Preacher at our church last night and boy was he great.
To tell the beginning he was there all day yesterday but let me tell you there was no way this man of God could have preached yesterday morning.
Now believe me we had some preaching but it came from different people in our church who were just having a wonderful glorious time with the Lord.
I knew this was going to happen when our teens got back from camp and we were finding out about the things that God had done in their lives.
We had 3 saved at camp while they were there which most of you already know about.
Well yesterday morning in church it started with the teens going down front at the alter before church even started and praying for our pastor, that God would bless his today, and for their peers that they know are not either saved or living for the Lord.
Then the Son's Of Faith got up to sing and as they were singing there were some young people going up front crying and then our youth pastor and his wife were dealing with some of the guys and girls. Folks we had 5 saved at our service yesterday morning. Talk about shouting and praising God for this wonderful time is almost more than words can tell.
As a matter of fact when Brother Hodges go up last night to preach and preach he did, he said he had been traveling for the past 1 1/2 years for the Clear Water College in Florida and has not seen this many saved the whole 1 1/2 years. What a shame.
Is it because we don't care, or is it becasue we think that God is out of the saving business so to speak. No, No & No again. It is me, it is you, it is all of us not praying and seeking the Lord to do a mighty work in our chruch today.
Just becasue we go to church does not mean that we are saved. As one of our teens said yesterday morning, he knew in his head all the right things to say and to do but he did not have it in his heart. Nathian Boone is one of the boys that got saved and when he gave his testimony yesterday morning I not only felt he was different but I knew he was different by the testimony he had given to the Lord and the people of the church. He even ask the church to forgive him for not being what he should have been for the Lord.
The one that really got me was Jacob King. This young man did not go to camp due to work or I believe this is what happened. He is such a kind and wonderful young man. the kind that you would want a daughter to bring home to meet mom and dad. He is always at church and sings with the youth choir. I would guess his age to be about 16. A couple of the teens have had this young man on thier hearts for a very long time. At camp they were on their knees in the middle of a dirt road crying and praying for this young man. Guess who got saved yesterday morning. You are so right. It was Jacob. A find wonderful young man that I just knew was on his way to heaven.
Don't think just because your teen is involved in church that they are saved. The shame is we have taught them how a Christian should ACT, BEHAVE, SIT, pretend to LISTEN and DO all the right things that a christian should do while they are at church but when they go back out into the world they live like they always do. How is that? The way the world tells them to live. Live it up while you can, have a good time now because when you get older it is over for you. The devil is a sly old fox and he would love to have taken Jacob, Nathian, Nathaniel, our young Mark Griffin to hell and hell they would have gone.
Mark sings with the Son's Of Faith and plays in orch., plays and sings with our gospel blue grass group and he also had the head knowledge but not the heart knowledge until Thursday night at camp.
Folks we have now had I believe 16 or 17 of our teens saved since March of this year. God is doing a work in our church through our teens that is carring over into the rest of our members. Praise God for his unspeakable love and mercy that he has for all of us unworthy sinners.
Well my alarm clock is going off. I just reset it for 6:30 so now I have a little time for more.
Sunday night was no different. Peacher Hodges preached from Col. 1:13 , 21.
4 questions he asked and gave the seculiar answer and God's answer.
1. Who am I?
2. Why am I here?
3. What's wrong with the world?
4. What's wrong with the world, can it be corrected?
The world tells us the are nothing. We came to being through apes. We have no value. This is what the world tells us. And we wonder what is wrong with our youth today. And adults also.
The word of God says that God created us and that I am the crowning glory of God. WOW!!!!! How wonderful to know that this is what our God says about us. To the world we are nothing and to God we are HIS CROWNING GLORY.
2.Why am I here? The world says eat, dring and be merry. That is what people are living for today. To have a good time. Do what makes you happy and don't worry about the other guy.
God says, We are created for Christ. To glorify God. Brother Hodges said to get like Christ we need to be pressured by going through trials. Boy can I relate to that and if that is what will help keep me close to the Lord then let me deal with those trials as they come into my life.
3. What's wrong with the world. They say we are stupid and know nothing. Yet God says If we would only do what we are suppose to do for the Lord then all things will be right with Him and with us. Just think about going through a day and having the Lord by our side every day and not having the world to contend with. Now I was not born yesterday and I know that we do live in the world but we do not have to be of the world.
Bro. Hodges said if you women spent more time putting on your make up today than you did with God then your priorities are out of place. He also said said that he played Golf with our pastor Saturday for 4 hours. If he spent more time on the Golf course than he did with God that his priorties are out of place. I could not get up set for he stepped all over my toes when said these thingsl. How much time do we really spend with the one that loves us more than anyone else in this whole world. He wants us to talk with Him all the time. I fail so much in this area of my life and I pray that God will help me be a better christain for the one who died for me and loved me and gave himself for me.
I know this is long but I have so much more to share with you.
Well, my tea is gone and I must get ready for work.
I love all of you and pray that you will have a blessed day in the Lord.
I did not get to the last question about Can the world be fixed.
Yes it can but only through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please read the entire chapter of Colossians and ask God to speak to your hearts concerning all of these sweet verses.
Love you,
Mom, I started crying again reading over how you told yesterday morning. There's really no way to describe it, but you did good. :)
When you were talking about Jacob and how the teens were in the road praying for him at camp, that's when I started to cry. That's what it takes for people to be reached. The kids had a vision.
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
That was a great post. I love hearing how the Lord has blessed people.
A wonderful post, Maw Maw. If I hadn't of already felt so joyful in the Lord, it would have been shouting time, I do think. We also had a young boy saved at our church. Well really he was saved at home but told the church last night. He said He KNOWS he is saved. Isn't that a wonderful things to hear from someone you have known since he was a little one. I am glad you all had such a wonderful, wonderful service. Hope tonight is just as good. connie from Texas
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