Hello and yes I have been tagged.
I hope this isthe way to do it. If not my wonderful daughter will let me know.
1. I am one of 9 children and I have a twin brother.
2. When I was 2 I cut my middle finger off on an open blade lawn mower. They did sew it back on and I have use of it.
3. My twin brother Jay always tells everyone that when I was little that I use to steal his bottle away from him and drink his as well as my own. :}
4. When I was 15 I wanted to go to Bob Jones University and study to be a nurse. My Aunt Margaret Whitten was going to pay my way.
5. I met my husband when I was in the 7th. grade and he was in the 10th.
I feel in love with him the day I met him but did not see him anymore until I was in the 11th. I still felt something in my heart for this man. We did not date until August 26, 1965. I knew this was going to be my husband.
6. My husband Larry and I eloped on Oct. 22, 1965. I have been madly in love with him since the 7th. grade and still am today.
7. I was saved April 3, 1970 after a serious car accident with only 25% chance to live. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!!!!
8. I worked for HLC Hotels Inc. out of Savannah Ga and was an executive for 14 years. They supplied me with my own car, and expence account and I traveled all over the southeastern part of the states. I was their only Internal Auditor and they owned over 30 properties.
9. I teach the 5 year olds in our Sunday School Dept. at Faith Baptist Church in Shelby NC., sing in the choir and play the piano some.
Well that is all for now. Now I must tag someone and also Larry.
Thanks Kristi and let me know if this is the way it is done.
I really enjoyed getting to know even more about you. I think your story about your husband is great. Hope you have a great weekend. connie from Texas
You eloped??? Wow, (0.o)
That was fun to read.
It's very evident how much you love your husband. I think it's kind of neat that you all eloped!!!hehehe
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