Aloha Ladie
Please sit back and have a nice cup of hot tea with me as we go on a quick cruise to one of the Islands in Hawaii.
As you can see we are just about to board the cruise ship. There were a lot of men who were very helpful during this trip.

This is one of the huts that we were able to feast off of. The fruite was delicious and very fresh
This was one of the many beautiful waterfalls with beautiful Tiki Birds that was on the Island.
This was one of my special places. I thought the little bridge with the beach just ahead with all the beautiful wild flowers and trees was so peaceful.

After we walked the island for a few hours the men showed us to a wonderful hall where they had prepared the mose wonderful dinner for all of us ladies.

AS you can see the men really out did themselves this day. We had potato salad, green beans, baked grilled chicken and hot rolls.
Here are some more of the men who helped make this day so special.

This is the Queen of the Island, Mrs. Ava Goodman our pastor's wife in the green dress. We love her and thank God for the testimony she is to all of the ladies at Faith Baptist Church and where ever she goes.
This was one of my favorite ladies meetings and Mrs. JoJo was a good speaker.
Mrs Janice
I really loved this meeting.The food was so good. Thanks for the Memories! I miss all of you sweet ladies at Faith and Mrs Ava is a wonderful person. Love you Lisa
Wow! it looks like you all had a really great time and a wonderful feast. connie from Texas
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