Hello to my dear friends, Today our son Larry Jr. would have been 41 years old if he had lived. Larry brought great joy to our hearts as a baby, child and young man. He loved his Mom & Dad so very much and also loved his brother John and adored his sister Kristi. There was so much that he could have done for the Lord. I said could have if he had not got into a great deal of sin and feel away from the Lord. I truly believe as a young child around 7 that he was saved and did live for the Lord. While he was in High School we let him get a car and a job to pay for the insurance. This did give him a certain amount of freedom and independence. Along with that comes responsibility which he never seemed to get a hold of. We took him out of christain school when he was in the 9th. grade because he ask us too. I wonder parents, if Larry and I had said no you must finish at this christain school if he would still be alive today. Now I know the devil would like for me to think that all of this is my fault and if that is what I would let him do then I would go crazy. What we did then is not what we would do now. I look back and know that there were signs and I should have paid more attention to the way his life was heading but I took the easy way out and just said to myself this is a stage that he is going through and he will come out of it. After he gradutated from High school he worked for a year and went into the Army. It really seemed to do him good and when he came home it was a joy to have our little boy back home. He was in church all the time and met a beautiful young lady. A missionaries daughter and feel in love with her and they had talked about getting married. Things happened and it did not work out. He met and started dating a woman that had been married before with 2 children and he seemed to really be in love with her and the girls. After a while they decided to get married and were married for over 15 years. They had a beautiful little girl by the name of Taylor and she is so sweet and beautiful. Larry loved her better than life itself. Then he got back into the world and was seeing another young girl and things got out of hand and sin was committed and his wife found out. By this time he did not know what to do. Everyone knew except his immediate family that they had split up the week before Thanksgiving and he was living out of his truck in the parking lot 1 mile from our home and we had no idea. He came to see his daddy that Friday afternoon and spent 5 hours with his dad. He also saw John at the gas station later on and said good bye to him. I was working so I did not get to see my son at all. They found his body about 3 a.m. Saturday morning. He had taken a gun and killed himself because he thought he could never be forgiven. My son was a wonderful son and I know he was not perfect, he was also loved by our wonderful Lord. I believe with all my heart that I will see my son again one of these days and when I do it will be in heaven. Yes he sinned. We all do even after we are saved. I believe that once we are saved nothing can ever seperate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. But there is a sin unto death and a path that he crossed that caused this to happen. I know many of you know that he committed suicide but maybe not the reason. Parents if you really want what's best for your child, pray about home schooling your children. If you just cannot do that then put them in a Christain school. Now you will still have to be on your toes because the devil is after our children and if he can get them while they are weak and our backs are turned then he will get his way. May God speak to your hearts as you read this and try to understand what I am trying to say to you as a mother. Never give in because it is the easy way out. Never think that this is just part of growing up and he will come out of it. Never let him stay home from church because they don't feel good. Never let ball games or other school activities come before the Lord and that means especailly church. There is so much I want to say and just don't know how to say it. We had 3 children and one is gone, the other is not in church and we have one that just cannot serve God enough. All 3 grew up in the same home by the same parents, by the same rules yet all 3 were different. What made the difference I don't know. Just know that they are ours while they are here and it is our responsibility to take action for what they do. Pray for us please. This has been a hard day for me but God Is Good All The Time. Nanny Birt
I've already told you this, but I think if I could add just one thing to this it would be to encourage parents to be consistent in all things. Church, school, discipline, everything. Being a wishy-washy parent will only confuse our children and never help them to be grounded in spiritual and everyday matters.
I love you, Aunt Jan. It took courage to share what you did. What a testimony to other parents, including myself, who struggle to know just what to do. I know that Larry Jr. loved you so much!!! I, too, believe that he is waiting for you in heaven. While sin can take US farther than we ever thought we'd go, it can never take us farther than GOD knows when we have given Him our life. I'm sending you hugs and more hugs.
Janice, I can so feel the pain in your heart. I pray that God will hug you close and give you the comfort you need. As you said we can not know why things happen the way they do but we do know that God is in control and we can only do the best we know how to do. Please consider yourself hugged. connie from Texas
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