Tomorrow Larry and I will be married 43 years.
He has to have dialysis at 6 and I need to be at the hospital at 11 for test before I go into the hospital for my hip surgery so we celebrated today.
We were in no hurry this morning so we had a very relaxing morning. At 12 noon we left for Cracker Barrell for a wonderful lunch. After lunch we went to Sam's club and did a little window shopping. After that we saw a sign that Gas was 2.60 a gallon so we filled up the truck. When we got home we exchanged gifts and cards with each other. It was really a good day for the both of us. Just being together and realxing.
Dolly got the left overs from lunch. She was really a happy little girl doggie.
We both have done nothing today and we are both tired. Can you believe that.
Well, 43 years ago we said "I DO." Now I will be honest and tell you we have had our good days and our bad days but I still love this guy of mine and would do it all over again.
It was a very romantic wedding. "WE ELOPED."
We ended up in Vinton Virginia. We hid from my Mom and Dad because we thought they would kill both of us. But my dad was happy for me an Larry and after a couple of days my Mom came around.
We moved to Ohio after about a year and bought our first home in Lorain.
We have had 3 wonderful children and 5 beautiful grand children.
God Is Good All The Time!!!
We were not saved at the time of our marriage and if it had not been for the Lord it would not have lasted. WHY???? Because we were sinners. After about 5 years of marriage we both were saved and God has brought us through a lot. Some things that without God we would never have made it.
He is a wonderful father, grand father, Sunday Shcool teacher, teacher of music, a good provider and has been a very faithful husband.
I love him and just want to say, Thank you for your love, your support and faithfulness to me for these 43 years.
I love you dearly.
Hope all of you out there will have a wonderful 40 years or longer together and with the Lord on your side you will.
HAPPY, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU BOTH. I think that it is so great that you love and care for each other so much. Jim and I are the same. We will be married for 47 years on our anniversary in March of next year. It seems as if it was yesterday in so many ways.
Hope your surgery goes well and you get up ready to go after some rehab. We will be praying for the both of you. so glad that you had such a good day, Janice. connie from Texas
Happy Anniversary to you both and may God continue to BLESS you both with good health and an abundance of happiness.With love and hugs. Lisa
Dear Mrs. Birt,
Happy Anniversary!! That post was so sweet, you both are such a blessing. We will be praying for you with your surgery, all will go well I know! Have a great day!
Happy Anniversary Maw Maw and Paw Paw Birt!!!! We love you and are praying for you. Thank you for being such a great example to us young married couples. We can see how you both love each other so much.
Lots Of Love,
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