Thursday, September 25, 2008

Job at bank and Social Security Disability

Hello to all my friends in blogger land,
Well, this is our little friend the monkey.
He lives in our bathroom and is a joy to have around.
Actually, this is my shower curtain that I found at wal-mart.
Now I have always gone with white lace for years as part of my bathroom assecories but when I found this I really went out on a limb and ended up liking it.
Larry finds it hard to go in and sit there with a money looking at him but I think he likes him too.
I know our grand chilren like it and that is all that matters.
I am praying about going in next Monday and quit my job at the bank.
I have talked with the lady at the Social Security office and she told me that I could not have a job when applying for disability.
My back and legs are in very bad shape and I know that it would be so hard for me to try and go back to work.
Larry also needs me here at home with him.
I am going to pray about this the next couple of day and ask that you pray with me also.
It will be at least 6 months before I would start drawing if they grant me the disibality. This would also mean that I would not have medical insurance for the next 6 months. Also it is not for sure that I would be approved either.
A lot to consider.
Love you guys,


Disability Blogger said...

You can have a job when you file for disability, but you can't be earning more than what is known as SGA (substantial gainful activity). For 2008, that amount is $940 per month (gross income before taxes). Also, your disability claim could take six months or less at the application level. Usually, in NC it is 4 months or less. However, if you get denied and have to appeal, the process could become much longer. The thing to do is this: if your condition forces you to cut your monthly earnings to below $940.00, file immediately.

I used to be a disability claims examiner for social security in North Carolina.

I blog about the disability system here at My Disability Blog

Unknown said...

I will be pray for your needs dear Janice.I know the Lord will work things out for you one way or the other
Love -n- Hugs. Lia